Home Remedies For Dry Skin

Home Remedies For Dry Skin
Home Remedies For Dry Skin

Keep Moisturizer Your Skin

To Protect your skin become dry you have to keep your skin moisturizer, for that you can apply herbal creams on your skin, its lock your skin moisture and make your skin smooth and soft.Before bed apply any moisturizer cream to your face overnight then in the next morning you can wash it off, this help keep your your skin smooth and soft and protect from dryness.

Here are some best natural moisturizer cream or ointment that help keep your skin smooth and soft.

Use Natural Scrub

Use natural exfoliating scrub using a mixture of olive oil and sugar. Mix ½ cup of sugar with 2 tbsp of olive oil, also you can add essential oil like lavender, which act as natural fragrance and make you feel relax. Now, take this mixture and rub gently all over your skin, after scrubing done wash it off. Now, apply any moisturizer to protect your new exfoliated skin.

Add Oil to Your Bath


Oils are natural moisturizer for your skin and creating a natural protective layer for your skin, which is damaged by face washing with water,drying soaps,dry weather. You can use any natural oil in your bath here are some of them olive oil,coconut oil,jojoba oil, argan oil, and avocado oil. To use it, just put few drop of oil in your bathwater. Also you can apply on your skin before shower to keep your skin soft and moist.

Use Aloe Vera For Your Dry Skin

Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera gel is one of the best natural remedy for your dry skin.Its help soothes dry skin, also its act as anti-aging, as well as acne breakouts.Consider swapping out your regular moisturizer for aloe after bathing to help seal moisture into your skin.

Curd and Honey Cleanser


Take 2 teaspoons of curd and add 1 teaspoon of organic honey in a bowl. Now mix this pack well then apply it to your face. Keep it till 2-3 minutes and wash it off with cold water. Also you can add 1 tsp of olive oil its help to soothes your dry skin and also keep your skin moisture as usual. You can use this cleanser can be used as daily basis.

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